[G3XBM] 10m QRP WSPR TX (Monday)
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G3XBM via rec.radio.amateur.moderated Admin
3 years ago
Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

10m QRP WSPR TX (Monday)

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 01:07 PM PDT

Once again, I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from my W5OLF beacon. 5 unique
stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1955z: 12 unique stations spotted me today. Quite a good day really.

8m tests (Monday)

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 02:15 PM PDT

After a brief period on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 TX (1 local spot), I am RX
only on 8m FT8. So far, nobody spotted today.
UPDATE 1022z: Someone has just raised a very interesting question. In the
ISM bands 40.66-40.70 MHz his calculations suggest 50uW can legally be used
into 50 ohms. I think he calculated that anyone in the UK could legally go
on 40 MHz TX without a licence as long as they are in the ISM band. On
WSPR, it would not surprise me if 50uW could be detected in central Europe
in a decent Es opening. Now, I am no legal expert and have not looked in to
this, but if correct it means anyone could legally TX on the ISM band
without a licence as long as the ERP was less than 50uW. This is worth
checking out. I think you can make up your own callsigns to ID yourself in
any reports. As I said, I am not a legal expert and you need to check
carefully if this is correct.
This from the OFCOM document about ISM:
“industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications (of radio frequency
energy): Operation of equipment or appliances designed to generate and use
locally radio frequency energy for industrial, scientific, medical,
domestic or similar purposes, excluding applications in the field of
Maybe the excluding applications in the field of telecommunications is the
killer? Mind you, I cannot imagine OFCOM ever policing this!
UPDATE 1341z: For 8m I just have a low wire dipole which is strung between
the support for my 2m big-wheel and the end of my 10m end fed antenna. You
may just be able to see it in the photo.

UPDATE 1436z: About to go on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 TX.
UPDATE 2039z: QRT now. S50B and G9PUV both copied earlier on 8m. Doing a
test on Tuesday from 0600z on 40.680 MHz MSK144 with G9PUV.

Oscar 100 narrowband activity levels

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 01:21 AM PDT

My most recent peek at activity on the geosynchronous Oscar 100 satellite
at a weekend afternoon in Europe found activity levels on the narrowband
transponder still low. I am sure people lose interest.
I can imagine the scenario: those keen enough assemble the dish, feeds, TX
and RX and carefully align the dish. They work some DX, tell them all about
the gear.....then lose interest.
Imagine the difference if a "black box" was available from a Japanese
manufacturer. Of course, they are looking for volumes and a return on their
investment - neither of which is likely. They are also worried that Oscar
100 might suddenly stop working.
See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/.

Sunspots - Monday April 11th 2022

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 01:19 AM PDT

Solar flux is 104 and the SSN 13. A=34 and K=4.
Jim Stewart ...
3 years ago